Tag: finished

Guard Against the Beast

I’ve always been very focused on characters. I love drawing people and creatures. But it also means that I rarely draw backgrounds.

I made a goal to create an image with a very detailed background in order to stretch myself, and then to win a local art contest with that illustration.

Check, and check.

Here it is.

Tanya Hales Illustration, dark horse, unicorn, sword

I’ve come to realize the obvious lately. If I only do the same thing I’ve always done (the things I’m good at and comfortable with), then I’ll never grow any better. I’ll just get good at doing the same thing. And I really do want to improve.

So my challenge for myself is to seek tons of opportunities to do new things, especially the things I’m afraid of. I want to make new kinds of illustrations, lead presentations on art and writing, run a Kickstarter, have my own booth at a convention, and beyond. And ever since making these goals for myself, I’ve been much more excited and invigorated about life.

So what are some goals you can make that will bring you through discomfort, but land you exactly where you’ve always dreamed of being?

ChallengesFinished ArtLessons I've learned

The Quirks of my Physical Appearance

Everyone has little distinguishing quirks, the things that set them apart from others and makes their appearance unique. A lot of the time, these are the things we dislike about ourselves. I’m talking about things like, “My thighs are really big.” “I have too many freckles.” “My hair looks really poofy no matter what I do.”

But I think these qualities are what make each of us interesting, and even beautiful.

I decided to make a list of some of my features that I’m sometimes insecure about, but that make me who I am. Here’s the image, with an explanation below.

Illustration of Unique physical appearance


1. Too tall for personality? 

Sometimes I feel like my body is bigger than my personality. As in, I’m a timid person. I don’t like being taller than others. I sometimes wish I could shrink to be no taller than whomever I’m talking to.

2. Smiles when nervous or embarrassed (which is a lot)

Just a funny quirk I have. I smile a lot, but sometimes it’s just because I don’t know what else to do.

3.  Eyes are both blue and gold 

I consider my eyes blue, but I have this cool ring of gold in the center around my pupils. I actually like this quirk a lot.

4. Incurable hair wings

My hair flips up weird at the sides unless it’s really short or too long. These “hair wings” are incurable. (Well, unless I were to try and straighten my hair, or do pretty much anything with it. But it’s not like THAT’S gonna happen.)

5. Mole on face (Is it more flattering to call it an angel kiss?)

It’s pretty hard to ignore this mole, freckle, or whatever you want to call it. I’ve had it ever since I was a kid. Someone (maybe my mom) once referred to it as an angel kiss, which made me fee a little better about it.

6. Long slender fingers (Good for making art?)

It probably doesn’t improve most of my art (though it could help with the times I’ve worked with clay), but I do like my fingers. My hands look graceful, so that’s nice.

7. Fashion based on comfort, not style

I wear cheap clothes. There are just so many things I want to buy before clothing. There is a certain style that I really, really admire, but I have never worn it in my life. Maybe someday? (Or, knowing me, maybe not.)

8. Big, clumsy hips

I blame it on my hips (my big, child-bearing hips, as my brothers used to tease me as a teenager), but whatever it is, I am sometimes really clumsy. I randomly crash into things like tables, chairs, and door-frames, which always surprises me and often leaves me with bruises.



Character DesignFinished Art