Hello, friends! I realized that I haven’t posted this here yet, so it’s time to explain the changes to how I’m running my Patreon in 2023.

It’s the year of adorable snail mail, because I’ve started a sticker subscription service. There are cute animals, fantasy creatures, and bookish stickers galore!

Every other month, (February, April, June, August, October, and December) I mail out brand new, never before seen vinyl stickers to my $5 and $10 patrons. And best of all, you get to vote on what those new designs will be!

On one month, we’ll vote on a theme, and I’ll illustrate the new stickers, and the next month I’ll print them and mail them to you! 🥳❤

⭐$5 patrons get 4 stickers every other month

⭐$10 patrons get 8 stickers every other month.

If you enjoy receiving happy, colorful envelopes full of happy, adorable goodness, then you’ll love this.

My online store in currently on hiatus, so this is the only way to new stickers from me for the time being. Thank you! Your support makes a big difference in my life. I’m excited to go on this new adventure with you!