I finished my two lolita dresses a while back (I wore them to Comic Con), but I still haven’t actually shown you the fruits of my labor.

Basically, they turned out  awesome.

See for yourself.


Classical DIY Lolita Dress

This is the first one I made. I made it out of a floral skirt I found at a thrift store (it cost $6) and some red fabric I bought at JoAnne (It was fabric in their remainder bin, so it was also only a few dollars). All in all, this dress took a lot of time, but didn’t cost much at all.


And number two:

Classical DIY Lolita Dress

This one was really fun! I used that pattern I brought (the one I used to make that pratice dress), except for I totally started making stuff up, because I wanted the front of the skirt to be split. This meant that I needed to create an underskirt, so I did… out of an old bedsheet I bought at the thrift store for $3. Man, I am just so… thrifty!

I love this dress. It still doesn’t feel finished, but, maybe when school is out again, I will have time to add to it. But probably not until then. *sob*


Also, to give the dresses volume, I bought this petticoat:

Underskirt from Milanoo.com

I think it was $16, but I got it at a website called Milanoo, which is based in China, so the shipping was $8.  It gave the skirts lots of poofiness, though! Totally fun and worth it.


All in all, I spent just short of my $100 budget on materials for these two dresses, the underskirt, and then the store-bought leggings (two pairs), the petticoat, and the button-up shirt. I managed this because I got lots of things on sale, and because I just shopped smart! It was awesome, because you can easily spend $150 on a store-bought lolita dress, and then still have to buy the leggings and accessories on top of that. I feel pretty proud of my accomplishments. Learning to sew was an adventure that was very worth it.